Natural Life Dental is a mercury free zone. All materials used to create, re-create, or improve your natural smile are always safe and bio-compatible, never using mercury, to keep your teeth and body beautiful and healthy for years to come.
Dr. Wendell Robertson
Dr. Robertson learned of the benefits of ozone therapy during his continual search of education. Ozone therapy stops the progress of infection in a tooth. Armed with this new knowledge he quickly invested in the equipment needed to provide this benefit for his patients. When he learned of advanced techniques to preserve healthy tooth tissue, avoiding fillings, crowns and root canals, he not only paid the Alleman Center tuition and mastered the new techniques, Dr. Robertson became a part-owner of the Alleman Center. In Dr. Robertson you have a pioneering dentist who is on the leading edge of dental practices worldwide.
Why choose Dr. Robertson?Always curious, he is never content with the status quo, and is always looking for ways to improve the overall health and well-being of his patients.

I have been struggling with health problems and low vitality for 30 years. Dr. Robertson was able to give me back my health and vitality I never thought I'd get again.